After being let go…

Dr. Tom Denham, posting to Times Union, blogs about the 7 things the newly laid-off should keep in mind in the time just after being let go.

Where was this article two months ago??? Yeah, me, before April 2013, I never would have guessed being laid-off would at some point make reference to me or my situation. Granted, my job wasn’t stable, and I was only pulling in part-time hours on average. But I foolishly assumed that with my strong work ethic and can-do attitude that I would somehow be sheltered from the inevitable and shockingly deep feelings of embarrassment and failure.

I really could have used this article. Dr. Tom discusses networking, grieving (and you need to!), creating a career tool box, and doing it all in a thoughtful, timely manner. Follow the link for the full article.

What you need to know after being let go – Careers and Worklife.

If you’re feeling bad about being laid-off, bad in a way that keeps you from living your life in a healthy way–do seek help. It doesn’t make you weak or incapable, merely overwhelmed. Getting news like this from a place where you assumed you had security is, in fact, overwhelming. Embrace your feelings and share them with a trusted advisor or seasoned professional.