“You are when you say you are. Screw what everyone else says.”

I thought my dream was to become a writer. I spent a lot of time writing and reading as a kid. It was more that than anything else that kept my active mind a little bit sane.

Although, I have to admit that rescuing any bits right now is an effort in futility.

Har, har… Anyway, seeing this article reminded me of when I was reaching for the star of being a writer. I needed to know what the benchmark was for being deemed a writer. Was it publication? Was it simply sending out a manuscript? Was it completing a story?

Over time I realized that I was a much better editor than I was a writer. I liked it better. It felt better. And now, recently, since I’m a clerk in a local newspaper’s advertising department, I’m asking myself what makes me an editor? Do I have the right to call myself as such, since I’ve only edited one thing professionally and everything else for friends, as a favor. Does that make me an editor? Really?

According to this blog, from Copyblogger.com, I am an editor when I say I am. Regardless of what anyone else says.

So, here it is. My statement of identification:

Hello. My name is Melissa, and I’m an editor. Nice to meet you.

Now, clicky-click, and think “editor” (or whatever your dream job is called) every time you see “writer.” REALIZE this DOES apply to you, too!

The Simple Reason You’re Not a Writer (Yet) | Copyblogger.